Stress Management is HUGE
Jan 29, 2023Construction is a stressful and demanding occupation, physically and mentally. Overtime is a way of life when projects are in full swing, so how we spend our off time is hugely important.
Taking a careful look at how we manage our stress (or don't) will keep us in tip top shape professionally and personally. Our industry has a long history of less than ideal methods of escaping a stressful day. What helps you unwind may not be the same as what helps me, but it is important to find a few things you enjoy and do them regularly. Ideally, they are things you don't need to rely on others to do, so you can do them as much as you need to, whenever you need to.
De-stressing for me often means being outdoors no matter what the weather. What I do outside varies by time of year, but includes walking, running, snowshoeing, snow shoveling (I am one of those nerds that doesn't mind shoveling snow), hike, bike, garden and compost. Cooking is enjoyable for me when I don't have a hungry mob to feed after work, but can leisurely plan and cook on the weekends.
De-stressing means many things for many people, but I try and make my de-stressing activities also accomplish something at the same time. For me, the feeling I am accomplishing something helps me manage the overachiever part of my personality so I don't feel like I am "wasting time". Don't get me wrong, I love a massage or a hot bath, and managing your stress is not wasting time, but as I mentioned there is an overachiever part of me that speaks loudly when I spend too much "unproductive" time.
Whatever your activity of choice, don't deny yourself the opportunity to do it as often as needed, but no less than once a week.
Studies have shown the following activities to be the most beneficial for stress management:
- Being outside near trees and greenery. The color green calms the mind (that is why actors have "green rooms" back stage!)
- Water source - being near water is built into our DNA because it is essential for our survival. The sound of running or moving water like a creek, waterfall, ocean waves or even rain falling are some of the most centering and calming sounds to the human mind. If you can't get to this any other way, there are apps you can download on your phone that have these sounds to help you relax.
- Touch is also one of the most healing and centering things to humans. Massage is not only good for sore muscles, it allows us time to relax and focus on ourselves for a time.
- Physical activity is one of the best ways to get rid of stress. Whether that's going to the gym, taking an exercise class or just going for a walk provides benefit. This does not have to be a long or strenuous activity, just a gentle walk provides benefit especially if done regularly. (the photo in this post was from a hike I did in 2022 that checked off items 1,2, and 4)
- Working with soil. The smell and touch of soil has been proven to cause a beneficial chain reaction in the brain that brings feelings of peace and calm.
Here are a few questions to ask when considering how you spend your off time, and determining whether or not it is providing you stress relief:
- Do I look forward to it?
- If someone asked you to do the activity, would you say "yeah ok", or "heck yeah!". Go for the "heck yeah!"
- While doing the activity or when it's completed, do you feel happy, centered, and ready to take on life?
- If you are an overachiever, does this appeal to the sense of accomplishment? (like cleaning out a closet? If you are that kind of person this might not be weird for you!)
- Is the activity beneficial for your long term health and well being?
As someone who has coped with stress by eating and drinking in the past (I once had a bowl of ice cream topped with whiskey for dinner after a particularly stressful day) I can tell you that no, it was not good for my long term health, and when I was done I did not feel centered and ready to take on life, and I certainly did not feel a sense of accomplishment. We are all imperfect and don't always make the choices that are the best for us, but taking a critical look at our stress levels and how we manage them is hugely important. Doing this well will increase our happiness and improve our relationships, as well as make us better in our many roles we play in life.
With that said, I am going to go for a walk!
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