Watch out world: Women Working!
Aug 30, 2023A lot has changed since the days of June Cleaver staying home in her dress, heels and apron in the 1950’s, greeting Ward at the door with a drink and a home cooked meal on the table. Women now balance work and family life which is harder than it sounds, and we are killing it.
Women have more professional opportunities than they did 60 years ago, and a career is demanding on your time and energy, and so is a family. So how do you balance it all? Precariously. It's really hard work. We are balancing the 1950's society expectations and modern world demands.
I can only speak from myself as a working Mom – there is no “one size fits all” answer to this question. For some there is a single clear answer – no career, or no kids. For me and for many it was not so clear – I wanted and had both. I needed the daily challenge of the working world, wanted a successful career, and was not willing to wait until after my kids were grown to start.
All Moms are working Moms, some do it outside the home, some have an outside job they do at home, and some are "stay home moms". The stay home mom is at work 24/7 and gets no sick days and few if any vacation days. I have great respect for anyone who can do this - they have the hardest job of all. For me, I got my first job at 10 and was raised by working parents. I stayed home briefly when my kids were very young and quickly learned that was not the path for me, off I went to work outside the home and all the things that go with it.
Working women deal with many pressures from work, family and society.
- Don't have kids - why not?
- Not working? Why aren't you contributing?
- Have kids and work? Why aren't you staying home?
You will never be able to please everyone, so you have to do what is fulfilling and satisfying for YOU.
I recall dropping my kids at school and envying the "stay at home moms" that could spend time in the classroom and participate in all the events. I remember my kids begging me to quit my job so I could be home like their friend's moms. As women we can be so hard on ourselves and painfully cruel to each other, though I don’t think it is always intentional. I have had dozens of women confide in me how guilty they feel for working and how judged they feel by other women who make a different choice. I felt a lot of guilt as a working Mom and felt judged by people in my own family as well as other Moms. Now my kids are all grown up and my career continues. You know what? I wouldn’t change a thing. My kids learned some valuable lessons along the way that have served them well. Lessons like and “mom can’t always be there, I need to do things for myself.” I think it helped them learn to be independent and problem solve on their own. I always felt my job as a parent was to raise happy, healthy, independent children. I have managed to raise 4 out of 4 winners, so I think I did alright. (Granted I did not do it alone!)
To all you working women – you are doing just fine and it’s ok to be a Mom and have a career. The kids will be FINE. For all you stay home Moms, you are doing just fine. Whether you choose to stay home, work, or some combination it is your choice and you should be supported.
Gals – let’s support each other. To all the Moms out there, you have GOT THIS, and you are amazing!
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